Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Laptop

Three days ago my laptop died.... I woke up Thursday morning and the screen had some white words written on a blue screen. I followed the instructions, and it has been a black screen ever since. My sweet, smart husband tried to fix it, no luck. He currently has people trying to recover all my important *documents* (mostly pictures) from the hard drive. In honor of Halloween, we believe our house is haunted. In the past two months we have lost the following electronics.... one TV, one DVD player, three hard drives, and my favorite MP3 player (no, I do not have an IPOD --- my old MP3 player worked just fine!). Colby cannot decided if our house is haunted, or if my magnetic personality is, really, magnetic.


Tammy said...

Totally haunted.. watch Ghost Hunters on the SciFi channel.. then you will know for sure!

By the way, we bought a house! We close on Wednesday and move this weekend! Can you believe it? I just hope ours isn't haunted. =)

Chaunda and Jeremy said...

I think you are "magnetic." Stuff always stops working when you're around, right? Happens to me too, although I don't think anything has permanently broken. It's so frustrating!! Miss you guys.

R. Jeffrey Davis said...

I too thing you are "magnetic". That just really bites about all of your electronic world going kaput. Good thing you guys are loaded so you can easily replace it all.

Claremont First Ward said...

I cannot believe it. Your laptop, too? I'm glad I never let you near my electronics. It's that magnetic personality of yours. Who would have known electronics like it so much though they stop working? :)
P.S. Do you have the twins teachers email? Emma wants to write her a note. She REALLY, REALLY missed Stafford and the kids.