Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I have a friend who says you can divide people into basically two categories: 1. Bakers/Cookers and 2. Cleaners. I am a cleaner. When I was growing up, my sister Becky would bake or cook and I would get out all the supplies and clean as she baked. It was fabulous! I love to clean and organized. When I got married, I just assumed that the responsibilities would continue, except that Colby would cook for Becky. Much to my dismay, that never happened. He will cook or bake occasionally, and it is soooo good, but not on a regular basis. Now, I CAN cook and bake, but so often things go wrong and I end up throwing it away. The problems arise due to the fact that I am a ditz, yes, a blonde ditz. I embrace the quality and have even passed it along to my sweet son Tanner. While we lived in Utah, I was able to master my cooking and baking, and even received compliments from others. Since moving to Oregon, I have failed miserably in my responsibilities. I don't know if it is due to the fact that my children are all in school and I am happy to clean and shop all day long, or if it is just the change in altitude and humidity. Whatever it is, my cooking and baking are disasters. Cooking is not fun to me, it is a chore, a job, a responsibility. Two nights ago, I gave up. I had tried a new dinner, and it made Arik gag. Granted, he hates food, but still, to physically gag.... So after mulling over my problem and discussing it with a friend, I have once again signed up for Dream Dinners. I am going Friday morning to make my 12 meals, and hopefully my family will be happy eaters once again.


R. Jeffrey Davis said...

Although right now I'm the Baker AND Cleaner, I'd rather be the Eater! That's me, Jeff The Eater!

Rebecca said...

Hey, I wish it was still that way...Dave did not pick up the cleaner job (only occasionally). I've had to learn to clean up my mess! Oh, for the record, you used to be the bread maker in the house and it was always yummy. Just make bread!

Claremont First Ward said...

I'm a cleaner too.......but you know that.

Now, you MUST get your hands on a 29 minutes to dinner cookbook by Pampered Chef for nights when you don't want the Dream Dinners or have 30 minutes cook.