Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Trees

Nine years ago, Colby and I were out with our friends, Thayne & Lanae, Christmas tree hunting - a tradition for the next many years to come. I was VERY pregnant with Tanner, who was due Christmas Day. Of course, we had to search and search to find the cheapest and best tree we could possibly find. We had been to so many tree lots and I was feeling so tired. My legs were hurting badly and I was having a tough time walking. Colby got the tree and we headed home, finally. It was such a great afternoon, but I just couldn't figure out why I could no longer walk at all and just needed to go to bed. Early the next morning, we were headed to the hospital and Tanner was born a few hours later. Ever since then, we always get our Christmas tree the first weekend in December. This year we decided to go out a little early since Grandpa & Grandma, and Dustin & Bre-Anna were in town.


Tammy said...

Fun! I miss real trees... we just get ours from the basement. Jax made the comment this year... "Yup, there's our awesome FAKE tree... great!" I died laughing... I guess it's time to start getting some real trees...

Claremont First Ward said...

Look how much your hair has grown. I'm heading out the door to Disneyland, but I'll call you tomorrow or this evening.

Have Arik's hives gone away? I want to give him a big hug!

Does this mean your computer is back?

R. Jeffrey Davis said...

Where is all of the snow and wind??? That's what I remember when going to the tree lots here in Utah to pick out a tree. Furthermore, everyone still has on happy faces. Are you bribing them with candy or treats?